Daughter, Wife, Mother... this is what I do

Friday, October 22, 2010


So, this new magical trimester has not been so magical as I was anticipating. I won't go any further, but let's just say I know baby is doing well because I'm... not. Ok, that's a little melodramatic. I'm not awful. But I take back everything I said in my last post about feeling more normal. Lies. All lies.

With Tyler out of town, (that's right, he's in Tacoma, Washington learning about how SOMA does Missional Communities. If you heard Jeff Vanderstelt at VERGE then you'll know this is very exciting and I'm a little sad I'm not with him.) I've been trying to be intentional about seeking out community. You know, being with people? When I'm by myself, I have a tendency to hole myself up like a little hermit. And I LOVE IT! However, I know this isn't good for my soul. And honestly, I've been so blessed by spending time with people. This probably doesn't sound like much of a revolution, but people are great. Jesus is better. He's what makes spending time with people wonderful. That being said, I did take tonight off to watch a good movie and lay on the couch. (My most favorite Friday night past time. You teachers out there know the joy. ) With all this laying on the couch I've had lots of time to tweet, facebook and blog stalk. In the midst of all this, I thought I'd enlighten you as to what a day in the life of a close-to-15-week-preggo looks like in terms of food.

Mostly because I was trying to recount it for myself just to see how I was doing. (And maybe so we can all get a good laugh, or at least some sort of wide-eyed reaction.) So... here we go.

Disclaimer: I understand that not everything that I ate today was the best choice for me and my baby. However, when it comes to it not coming back up, this is just how it has to be. So no comments. :)

-Half a whole wheat bagel with a little cream cheese and sliced strawberries
-Attempted cup of yogurt and strawberries. But I bought a new brand of yogurt and it was disgusting. I like Horizons Non-Fat Vanilla much better than whatever that Randall's junk was that I bought. Ate two bites, then poured it down the drain at school.

-Half of the cake-like blueberry pastry they serve my kids for breakfast. Don't judge, they're delicious.
-Handful of almonds
-String Cheese

-Medium Spinach salad with carrots, orange and red bell peppers and cucumbers. Note: I did not eat much of the spinach. It wasn't agreeing with me today. But I did eat all of those good veggies inside. :)
- Lean Cuisine Pepperoni Pizza. (The only Lean Cuisine worth eating. I love them.)
-String Cheese

After Lunch Snack
-Handful of almonds

After school snack/dinner
-Chick-Fil-A Chicken nuggets and fries. I swear I ordered an 8 pack. Somehow I came out with a 12 pack. I may or may not have eaten all of them. Lemonade to drink.

After snack/dinner snack
-2 1/2 pickles. I realized somewhere at about my second pickle that these were probably not such a good idea. But they just tasted so dang good. I stopped.

Late night snack
(I'm a little ashamed of this one.)
-Lean Cuisine Pepperoni Pizza. I was so hungry! And it was just sitting there in my freezer!! Honestly... as I was eating it I didn't really enjoy it. I just get to the point where I've eaten everything that I can think to eat and I just get lazy. In hind sight I should have just sliced up some cucumber or something.

OH! And I drink lots of water throughout the day. That should get me some points, right? I go through 2 large water bottles during the school day and one after school. Plus a glass of water before and during sleep. Baby's thirsty!

Here's one thing that amazes me about my new and heavily improved diet: I do not ever crave sugar. Fruit is usually the only thing that sounds really good that's sweet. The occasional Rocky Road ice cream bite has it's appeal every now and then. So weird. I am usually fending off cookie cravings like crazy. And let's be honest, giving in to them from time to time. Is that supposed to mean something about what I'm having?

Hope you enjoyed recounting my eating today. I feel a little bit disgusted. I think that last pizza just sent me over the edge.


1 comment:

  1. Love it! Eat what you crave, girl, otherwise everything else isn't going to satisfy or sit right :)
