Daughter, Wife, Mother... this is what I do

Monday, July 12, 2010

God, the Builder and the Architect

At church yesterday, Ronnie challenged my waning faith in my God and King. He reminded me that there was something greater to hope in and look for. He spoke to the dissatisfaction (or maybe against my satisfaction) with what is found in the present, immediate gratification. He stirred the part of my soul that God has won and reminded me that loving Him above all others was my only hope, my only promise, my only goal.

It was incredible because it shined light on some very dark places in my heart that are stiff-arming God because of my selfishness, my idolization of independence.

Hear it here: http://www.austinstone.org/resources/sermons/

It's the one titled "Desiring the Heavenly City"

So, today I'm ruminating on such truth. On the sorrow that I am comfortable here. My hopes, my desires, my goals are not the promises of God. I don't practically believe that He is enough for me and loves me more than all my shiny idols of comfort, security and independence ever will. Here is a song that I'm singing and praying today, because I know that the only thing that's going to change my heart is a God who has moved Heaven and Hell to have me. It is in this that I can rejoice.

No Abiding City by Sandra McCracken

Oh, sweet home of love and peace
Where pilgrims tire and troubled rest
Into the hope of Zion lean
Where in Jesus’ arms we will fall at last

Addictions empty promises
This broken world cannot satisfy
A sweeter song redemptions bliss
Is sealed for us in paradise

Oh, lift up your head
For the day is near
And we have no abiding city here

Sprit heal our neighborhood
Until your kingdom work is done
Teach us what is just and good
As we look for the city which is yet to come

Oh, lift up your head
For the day is near
And we have no abiding city here

A city filled with gold and light
God the builder and the architect
When our faith is turned to sight
Oh, I cannot imagine it

Oh, lift up your head
For the day is near
And we have no abiding city here

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